
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Star Wars The Force Awakens (2015)

The most advertised movie ever comes to the screen in 3 dimensions and has made more money quicker than any other. I watched it on a regular screen and thought that the "franchise" wanted to make a new STAR WARS for this generation. It begins with a new villain, Kylo Ren, who is a Darth Vader clone and is under the aegis of Snoke who appears to be 50 feet tall and in control of what the the first order, the bad guys, are attempting. A stormtrooper has a conscience and helps a pilot in the resistance, the good guys. Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and his love interest, Leia, return and try to find Luke Skywalker has vanished. STAR WARS THE FORCE AWAKENS reaches cinematic heights for having so much science-fiction action going on but fails in originality for copying the first film. We learn who the father is of Kylo Ren but this whole scenario seems concocted for bringing back Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher. A new character is created, called Rey, who gets embroiled with a droid that has the contents of Luke's whereabouts. The stormtrooper joins the droid and Rey and lo and behold they find the Millenium Falcon which becomes important in stopping the weapon that the first order has devised. Luke's light saber is located and a new character hands it to Rey giving her some advice about the force. Rey develops kewl special powers and we learn that she can handle Kylo Ren in a fight. A good ending and superb effects and a good start for J.J. Abrams in the expected trilogy. [4.3 stars]

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