
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Rififi (1955)

A man gets out of prison and finds life is not satisfactory until he gets some spending loot. So he turns to crime and plans in great detail how to get into a jeweler's safe. Much time is spent on how they go after it. Nary a word is spoken as they remain quiet while the police do their rounds and try not to make the sensitive alarm go off. This is the kewlest part of RIFIFI, the ingenuity they use to get into the prized area to make off with the goods. Dialogue is not necessary reminiscent of TOPKAPI. They hit a snag in their getaway but I will let you watch this black and white film with subtitles to see how that transpires. The lead character's girlfriend mixes up with bad company and now there is added drama due to this making the thieves pursue a kidnapped boy. This is superb film noir with a nice blend of action and well-written dialogue. [4.2 stars]

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