
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Life Of Pi (2012)

Adventure film nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars about a boy who goes to sea with his parents and ends up finding God. His name is Piscine but he desperately wants to be spared ridicule so he studies as many digits of pi, the number in mathematics that never seems to end, as he can so the kids at school call him Pi. Very funny scene. He doesn't wish to move to Canada with his family but he can't stop them but God does. The boy doesn't seem sure what religion he will choose so he takes up Christianity and Islam and Hinduism. His interest in God makes the film kewl because his search is really our search. A tiger also plays a major role in this film which was a risk because it can't talk. Nevertheless it works and the boy's journey fascinates the mind and the cinematography enchants the eyes.  I found LIFE OF PI to be a teacher to us as well as an entertaining way to spend one's time, where else are you going to find a zoo on a sailing vessel. [4.3 stars]

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