A Texan rodeo man contracts Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome in the 80's and is told he will live for 30 days. He travels the world desperate to find a way to survive. DALLAS BUYERS CLUB counts the days and immediately you start pulling for him to make it to at least 30, we humans like to fancy ourselves better than a mere creature of nature. The countdown was a kewl way to get into the character. The character is Ron Woodruff, a real-life person played by Matthew McConaughey, is the best thing about the movie. There are so many good things going for it, the fact that no one knows how to cure this mysterious new disease, the fact that the U.S. Government is wrapped around the idea of profiting from the drugs used in treatment for AIDS, the fact that the first drug used on AIDS patients has an ominous story behind it, the fact that a club is a front for a pharmacy and on and on. Jennifer Garner stars as a doctor who goes out of her way to help patients who she knows are falling between the cracks. Visceral film with absorbing dialogue and plot. I said "I can't believe this was what it was like" and you might too. [4.4 stars]
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