An unknown man drives a car and speeds into a death trap set up by people on a mountainside. We learn it is Italy and the Mafia don't like folks messin' with their country. Charlie (Michael Caine) gets out of prison and is told by the man that died in the car crash (who apparently knew of his danger and had himself filmed) of a way to get millions out of Torino. Charlie hires some malefactors to do his bidding and soon we seen Cooper speed cars in the hills of Italy and the same man we saw earlier delivers an ominous message to Charlie and his henchman that they should walk back to England. They do not and then move forward to cause a blackout so a professor (Benny Hill) can mess up the traffic system set up by the city. There are many witty lines dispersed throughout THE ITALIAN JOB punctuated by interesting action sequences. The cars steal the movie and how they do it I found kewl even though I've seen way too many car chases in action films. How can they pull off a caper in a huge traffic jam with armed guards and the Mafia heavies on their scent? Maybe they don't. [4.2 stars]
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