
Monday, August 31, 2015

Matchstick Men (2003)

Nicolas Cage stars as Roy, a flim-flam man poised to make a killing off some dude who doesn't tip. If the dude only knew what was coming. Or maybe I should say, if only the con artist knew what was coming. Roy can't find his medication so his partner gets on the phone to set him up with a doctor to get him some. Roy just gets weird without those pills.  The doctor appears to be a psychiatrist who Roy gets to call his old girlfriend. The new doctor tells Roy that he has a daughter who wants to meet him at the park. He is curious to see her so he goes to the park and waits, chain-smoking away. They meet and talk. He tries to be a good father but his phobia to germs and the outdoors makes it problematic. He wants to kill himself but is afraid of the mess it will make on the carpet. His partner keeps calling to see if he is all right because he is on medication and he has been missing work. Roy goes to the pharmacy and learns he's been subscribed supplements. Then MATCHSTICK MEN takes a sudden turn and we're not sure who the victim of the con is. The little girl shoots a gun and Roy wants her to be kept out of it. Snappy dialogue and fascinating characters make this a gem, but even more kewl is we learn about con artistry and now at the end we learn that there are two levels of acting going on that we didn't notice at first. We suckers. [4.5 stars]

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