A superhero named Thor taken from the comic books is made the protagonist in this popcorn film introducing this god from another planet to filmgoers everywhere. We have rich motifs here, father and the rebellious child, sibling rivalry (one brother is loved and one is marginalized), and the ultimate movie theme boy meets girl love. Thor (Chris Hemsworth) rejects his father's advice and is banned to Earth where he meets a young lady (Natalie Portman) who falls for him. Meanwhile his brother Loki tries to usurp power by having his father killed. (There is something like the ark from RAIDERS he desires but really it's a trifle since there are 200 other things the studio could have done to motivate the action besides this). Loki sends a giant robot to kill Thor, probably because his brother has always gotten the glory and after the dust has settled there is a poignant scene that made me put this one over the top and into the annals of kewl. THOR has superb effects and good action scenes but I thought some of the storyline was cliched. [4 stars]
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