
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Dunkirk (2017)

Three separate storylines, reminiscent of INCEPTION, are blended together to tell what happened to soldiers blocked off from rescue during World War II. The first one follows Tommy, a soldier who runs to the beach to escape gunfire. He pretends to be a medic to get a wounded man on board a ship but is denied. Let's switch to the boat. They have two lads on board and are within distance of Dunkirk and proceed to go there but see a soldier, shellshocked, in the drink and hoist him in. There is a close-up on his face when they tell him they are headed to Dunkirk. He has other ideas. Let's switch now to the third story where a pilot has trouble with a broken fuel gauge. He ends up crashing in the ocean and may die since he can't open his overhead canopy. Mum's the word. DUNKIRK keeps weaving the three plot-lines together like what was done in INCEPTION, which builds drama as to what will happen at the end. The advertising for the movie gave too much away but I won't. One of the lads loses his sight and dies. This was an honest element to bring in the film; we need to have whatever bond we felt for him broken to add reality to the grimness and finality of war. Summer's best film and kewl underwater action sequence. [4.4 stars]

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