Mills, a new detective to the big city (Brad Pitt) teams up with seasoned pro Somerset (Morgan Freeman) who contemplates retirement. They find a man dead who apparently ate himself to death but was bound so a murderer (Kevin Spacey) is on the loose. The bodies quickly grow and a theme is discovered revolving around the seven sins. Somerset warns us that the killer is patient and intelligent but that doesn't stop the police from raiding a home where the sociopath might be. It is all your typical hyped-up movie mayhem where people run and seem determined and blood pressure rates go up but movie fans see through this as we know it's too early in SE7EN for the detectives to find him. There needs to be more buildup and more background unfolded. Yes that is the case, but it's not a total loss as they find another body ready to pass away in a few seconds. We get our clues and our two stars knock on the murderer's door. He shoots at them and a chase scene ensues with Mills lying on the ground. There is rain, or shall I say gratuitous rain as they have it out. Some unexpected scenes however give this film a kick. Get this, the serial killer turns himself in...kewl. They make a deal with him in the belief that they can save a life. In fact, Kevin Spacey's character has visited Mills' wife and there is a showdown in the desert, quite memorable I have to say. Characters emerge from two dimensions to a third. [4.2 stars]
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